Migrating from Gatsby to NextJS
Instead of rebuilding my website this year, I migrated it from Gatsby to NextJS. Here's how that went.
Jul 9, 2022
Sunny GolovineOver the past few weeks, I successfully migrated my website from Gatsby to NextJS. The process was fairly straightforward but not without a few hiccups at times. In this post I’ll break down all the changes I had to make and examine the migration process for a website with a built in blog and connected to a CMS. Overall the migration was a success thought it took quite a bit of work getting away from some of the heavy handed aspects of Gatsby.
But Why
I’m sure you are wondering, why migrate? There is nothing inherently wrong with Gatsby as a framework, in-fact when you compare feature sets, it’s pretty dang close to what NextJS offers. For me it came down to two reasons: first NextJS recently came out with their own compiler which uses SWC under the hood, this was much faster than Gatsby’s webpack implementation. The other big reason is React 18, Gatsby kinda has support for React 18 with full support in the works, NextJS already has full support. But beyond that I just wanted to see what such a process would look like. When it comes to building SSR websites in React, the two top frameworks are Gatsby and NextJS, both with some major players using each one. I wanted to see how hard it would be to move from one framework to the other.
Getting Ready
Prior to moving to NextJS I made some changes to my current site to get it ready. The first thing I did was move the file structure to Bulletproof React, with this new file structure I completely stopped using the pages
folder that Gatsby requires you to use, simply re-exporting my pages from features
in the proper file.
import { HomePage } from "../features/HomePage";
export default HomePage;
The main benefit this provided was that it separated my sites logic from the logic of Gatsby. Though NextJS utilizes the same file based routing structure, I wanted to separate the UI logic from page level logic when I migrated over and only use the page files for NextJS specific logic. Looking forward, keeping the UI logic separate will aid in any future migrations to another framework that might not use the same folder structure.
Finally before moving over, I removed all GraphQL references in the code and stubbed out the returns. My GraphQL was all consolidated in hooks so I didn’t have to worry about messing with a ton of UI logic to get it all wrangled out. All my data hooks looked like this in the end:
export const useSiteData = () => {
return {
siteData: [],
resumeData: [],
links: [],
The Move
The process of actually moving from Gatsby to NextJS was fairly painless. Remove all the Gatsby packages, remove your old configs, install NextJS, create your new configs and update your package.json scripts. Done!
There is actually not a whole lot to be said about this part, I didn’t run into any wired errors or bugs and I didn’t have to scour StackOverflow or Github Issues for a solution to an obscure problem. I was almost shocked that my site was back up and running so quickly, alas without any data…
Hooking Everything Back Up
Now that the site was back up and running, the next step was to get everything back up like my CMS, Blog Posts and Snippets.
First came my CMS. Rather than loading the CMS through an index file in the public/admin
folder, I instead opted to use CMS.init()
which initialized the UI locally within my site. This yielded one big advantage: a typed configuration. One of the most painful parts of NetlifyCMS was having to write all your configurations out in YAML. I had to use a number of tools such as yaml-merge and yaml-lint to validate and build the configuration which was crumbsome. Moving my config inside of my JS allowed me to painlessly recreate the config, split it up based on collections, and add certain conditional logic based on the deployed environment.
Next came the blog and snippets. In my site, blog posts and snippets are basically the same under the hood, the only exception is blog posts have dates whereas snippets do not. I managed to put everything together here using node tools and MDXRemote. Using MDXRemote here was crucial because of some of the assumption that MDX makes, namely that your MDX will live right next to your website code. While this might be fine for some, I wanted a clear separation of concerns between my UI and content.
On the /blog
and /snippets
level I simply query metadata off each post using this function:
export const getLocalPosts = () => {
const files = glob.sync("**/*.md", { cwd: postsDirectory })
const postMeta = files
.map(file => {
const postPath = path.join(postsDirectory, file)
const postFile = fs.readFileSync(postPath, "utf-8")
const postData = matter(postFile)
const fm = postData.data
const blogPost: RawBlogPost = {
id: fm.slug,
title: fm.title,
description: fm.description,
path: `/post/${fm.slug}`,
type: BlogPostType.Local,
rawDate: fm.date,
published: fm.published,
filePath: file,
return blogPost
.filter(post => post.published)
return postMeta
Besides querying the frontmatter from each post, I also return the filepath to the UI, this allows my slug pages to properly pick up each post based on just the slug. There are many ways of approaching slugs when building blogs, personally I have always done it in the most manual way possible, a slug
field in my frontmatter. This allows me to have a “Title that is really really long” but a nice “readable_slug”.
On my slug pages I then take the slug and fetch the post using MDXRemote.
export const getPost = async (slug: string) => {
const allPostMeta = getLocalPosts()
const post = allPostMeta.filter(post => post.id === slug)[0]
const { filePath } = post
const postPath = path.join(postsDirectory, filePath)
const postFile = fs.readFileSync(postPath, "utf-8")
const { compiledSource, frontmatter } = await serialize(postFile, {
parseFrontmatter: true,
mdxOptions: {
rehypePlugins: [rehypePrism],
Because MDX is built on top of remark, I added a plugin that will add prism classnames to my code blocks, allowing for syntax highlighting in my code examples like you see in this post. This method of fetching posts is not the most ideal and optimized, in the future I will most likely rework this to be more efficient (I’ll write about it when I do).
Besides blog posts, there was also the matter of hooking up my CMS to the website. This was pretty painless and followed the same rough pattern as setting up blog posts. I also created a helper function that will fetch this data all at once and format it to use on the site:
import path from "path"
import fs from "fs"
import { ProjectType, SiteData, Work } from "~/model/SiteData"
const cmsRoot = path.resolve(process.cwd(), "public", "cms", "site-data")
export const getSiteData = (): SiteData => {
const bioRawFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(cmsRoot, "bio.json"), "utf-8")
const contactRawFile = fs.readFileSync(
path.join(cmsRoot, "contact.json"),
const workRawFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(cmsRoot, "work.json"), "utf-8")
const bioJSON = JSON.parse(bioRawFile)
const contactJSON = JSON.parse(contactRawFile)
const workJSON = JSON.parse(workRawFile)
const allWork: Work[] = workJSON["work-data"]
.map((workItem: any) => ({
showInRecents: workItem["show-in-recent-projects"],
name: workItem.name,
url: workItem.url ?? false,
description: workItem.description,
workItem["project-type"] === "side-project"
? ProjectType.SideProject
: ProjectType.ProfessionalProject,
return {
bio: bioJSON.bio,
phoneNumber: contactJSON["phone-number"],
phoneNumberAlt: contactJSON["phone-number-alt"],
email: contactJSON.email,
github: contactJSON.github,
instagram: contactJSON.instagram,
twitter: contactJSON.twitter,
devTo: contactJSON["dev-to"],
website: contactJSON.website,
linkedin: contactJSON.linkedin,
work: allWork,
recentWork: allWork.filter(item => item.showInRecents),
This helper is by no means perfect and my next steps will be to modify it so it only returns the fields that you request. In the end this was perhaps the hardest and most complex part of the migration. For things like blogs, Gatsby’s GraphQL interface combined with some plugins make this process much easier and simpler for a developer, though this comes at the cost of being a partial black box. With NextJS the developer is forced to figure out routing data to the page, and all NextJS does is provide a neat way of building those pages and supplying data to them. While implementing something like a blog with NextJS will be harder, the tradeoff is you get much more control over the process.
Better Layouts
One thing that I didn’t like about the previous iteration of my site was how layouts were done. Most of the theme was hard coded as a global style which is perfectly fine until you have a page that needs to not have those styles. The page in question here is /admin
which hosts my instance of NetlifyCMS. My websites global styles were getting applied inside the CMS and made for a very janky looking UI.
After some false starts trying to over-ride those styles, I decided to rework my layouts and use per page layouts. From there I created a <Layout />
component and refactored all my pages to look like this:
import { Layout } from "~/components/layout"
import { LinkPage, LinkPageProps } from "~/features/LinkPage"
import { NextPageWithLayout, StaticProps } from "./_app"
const Page: NextPageWithLayout<LinkPageProps> = props => <LinkPage {...props} />
// ...
Page.getLayout = page => (
<title>Sunny Golovine :: Links</title>
<Layout pageTitle="Links">{page}</Layout>
// ...
export default Page
Inside of the <Layout />
component, I added a <GlobalStyle />
component which used createGlobalStyle
from styled-components. Now with my global styles getting injected at the page level, I can create new pages that either support the existing website theme, or create pages that break with the theme and do something completely different.
Putting this all together, my pages in src/pages
only do 3 things:
- Fetch the data
- Provide the layout
- Render the component
This gives me a ton of flexibility and makes for easier debugging because its never a question of where the source of a problem is, if there is an issue fetching it will always be on one of those pages or inside an api helper, the UI code stays “dumb”, only ever accepting and displaying data. This separation of concerns yields this pattern for creating new pages.
// Here all the actual pages logic is locked away in `SomeComponent`
// Some component does not fetch data or do anything except provide
// the UI elements.
const Page = (props) => <SomeFeature {...props} />;
// Page.getLayout will handle the "concern" of supplying the layout
// styles and <head> components to the page.
Page.getLayout = (page) => (
<SEOComponent />
<SomeGlobalStyle />
// getStaticProps handles getting the data to the page
// it uses node functions such as fs to read data from the
// filesystem and provide it to the page at build time
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
// ...logic
return {
props: {
// ...props
While the idea of co-locating my build time fetching logic with my other logic seemed wired at first, I like the system because you can easily figure out where a
problem is. This works really well with helpers like getSiteData
, allowing you to supply data quite effortlessly once it’s all setup.
Looking Ahead
My website is an ongoing piece of work that will never truly be complete. My next steps in upgrading my website is to optimize my blog posts, rework snippets to be searchable and taggable and more tightly integrate my CMS with my website. You can check out the source code to this website here.