Three Links - A Wikipedia Game
A wikipedia game inspired by cards against humanity
Jul 27, 2023
Sunny GolovineOne of my favorite card games is the game Cards Against Humanity. For the un-initiated, the game is played like this:
- A “dealer” will draw a card from the “prompts” pile and read it out.
- All players will then take one of their cards and submit it as the response
- The most ridiculous and funny response to the prompt wins and the winner becomes the new “dealer” for the next round.
I’ve been thinking of a game similar to Cards Against Humanity and I’m calling it: “3 Links”. The game can be played with 2+ people though the more the better. To start everyone should have a smartphone or a computer with access to Wikipedia, ideally every player would use their phone but really you only need one computer/mobile device to play.
The game rules are as follows:
- One person is the “dealer” and they pick a wikipedia article and share the link with everyone else.
- Once you land on the page you click on 3 links, leading you from the original article to article 1 -> article 2 -> article 3.
- After everyone has clicked 3 links, everyone shows the dealer the resulting Wikipedia article.
- The dealer decides which is the most funny or ridiculous article given the starting article.
A typical game would play like this:
- The starting article - Atlantic City–Brigantine Connector
- Link 1 - Casino
- Link 2 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Link 3 - MIT Nuclear Research Reactor
Once you have the 3rd link, you show that to the “dealer” and then the dealer decides which link is the most funny based on the original link (Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector —> MIT Nuclear Research Reactor). Once the dealer picks their favorite article, the person that selected that article becomes the new “dealer” and then another round starts.
You can use points to determine a winner, or you can play continuously without determining a winner or looser.